pineal gland cephalalgia

Suplemento sobre causas da enxaqueca: Artigo sobre melatonina e glândula pineal

Artigo da 5f

Hoje um artigo não tão distante quanto os anteriores, escolhi um artigo que considero um dos mais importantes que publiquei. Arne May, editor da revista Cephalalgia, organizou um suplemento chamado de:

Special Issue: Brain Structure and Function related to Headache

Este suplemento reuniu 9 artigos de revisão sobre as principais estruturas relacionadas às causas da enxaqueca, e escritas pelos principais centros de pesquisa em dor de cabeça no mundo todo.

pineal gland cephalalgia
pineal gland cephalalgia


Brain structure and function related to headache – J Hoffmann and PR Holland


Current understanding of meningeal and cerebral vascular function underlying migraine headache  D Levy, A Labastida-Ramirez and A MaassenVanDenBrink

Current understanding of photophobia, visual networks and headaches – R Noseda, D Copenhagen and R Burstein

Brain structure and function related to headache: Brainstem structure and function in headache -M Vila-Pueyo, J Hoffmann, M Romero-Reyes and S Akerman

Current understanding of trigeminal ganglion structure and function in headache   K Messlinger and AF Russo

Current understanding of thalamic structure and function in migraine – S Younis, A Hougaard, R Noseda and M Ashina

Current understanding of cortical structure and function in migraine – EA Tolner, S-P Chen and K Eikermann-Haerter

Current understanding of pineal gland structure and function in headache MFP Peres, MM Valenc¸a, FG Amaral and J Cipolla-Neto

Hypothalamic regulation of headache and migraine – A May and R Burstein

Current understanding of premonitory networks in migraine: A window to attack generation – LH Schulte and K-P Peng

Tivemos a satisfação de contribuir com o artigo sobre melatonina e a glândula pineal nesta edição seminal da revista mais importante na área de cefaleia: Cephalalgia

The pineal gland plays an important role in biological rhythms, circadian and circannual variations, which are key aspects in several headache disorders.

Melatonin, the main pineal secreting hormone, has been extensively studied in primary and secondary headache disorders. Altered melatonin secretion occurs in many headache syndromes. Experimental data show pineal gland and melatonin both interfere in headache animal models, decreasing trigeminal activation. Melatonin has been shown to regulate CGRP and control its release.

Melatonin has been used successfully as a treatment for migraine, cluster headaches and other headaches. There is a rationale for including the pineal gland as a relevant brain structure in the mechanisms of headache pathophysiology, and melatonin as a treatment option in primary headache.

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