Artigo da 5f
Revisitando artigos publicados, este tem uma história especial. Na época do meu fellow na Filadelfia, observamos uma boa resposta ao tratamento com bloqueio de nervo occipital em pacientes com surto de cefaleia em salvas. O primeiro relato havia sido em 1984, haviam passado quase 20 anos sem se dar valor a esta importante ferramenta no tratamento da cefaleia em salvas. Saudades dos colegas, mentores, amigos Charles Siow, hoje em Singapura, Alan Stiles, Bill Young e Steve Silberstein, na Filadelfia, e Todd Rozen hoje na Mayo Clinic.
Este artigo foi citado 205 vezes (Google Scholar).
Bloqueio do Nervo Occipital para o tratamento da Cefaleia em Salvas
doi: 10.1046/j.1468-2982.2002.00410.x
Cluster headache is perhaps the most painful of the primary headache disorders. Its treatment includes acute, transitional, and preventive therapy. Despite the availability of many treatments, cluster headache patients can still be difficult to treat. We treated 14 cluster headache patients with greater occipital nerve block as transitional therapy (treatment initiated at the same time as preventive therapy). The mean number of headache-free days was 13.1+23.6. Four patients (28.5%) had a good response, five (35.7%) a moderate, and five (35.7%) no response. The greater occipital nerve block was well tolerated with no adverse events. Headache intensity, frequency and duration were significantly decreased comparing the week before with the week after the nerve block (P< 0.003, P = 0.003, P< 0.005, respectively). Greater occipital nerve blockade is a therapeutic option for the transitional treatment of cluster headache.